( Gisele Bundchen (Getty Images) We always hear about how beautiful women are at an advantage when they get pulled over by the cops for speeding, how a flick of the hair or bat of the eyes can make a policeman forget where he is or what he's doing in the first place. So it's no shocker that supermodel Gisele Bundchen managed to escape a speed trap with just a warning.
It's safe to assume Miss Bundchen's runway looks helped in her ticket-free traffic stop, but to further her edge on the common folk, Gisele was speeding through Cape Cod, where you can be sure her QB hubby Tom Brady is considered next to God. But before we start complaining about special treatment, let's clarify that Gisele was doing 70 in a 55 on Route 6 in an area commonly mistaken as a 65mph zone. To modify a common phrase, let those who don't drive 5-15mph over the limit cast the first whine.
Furthermore, Gisele made sure to express her gratitude to State Trooper Michael Hopper in the form of a rather personalized, unique autograph, as Hopper's son later tweeted, "He let her go, but in return, she signed her autograph on the citation with kisses."
Perhaps in an effort to squelch any public outrage over unfairness, State Police spokesman David Procopio assured his constituents that Gisele was not let off the hook due to her status, saying, "He did give her a warning and let her go on her way. He reminded her that the speed limit on the Cape is 55, not 65 as it is in other parts of the state. That trooper stopped 25 cars that day; five were given warnings, including Gisele. The other 20, who were doing more egregious things, were given tickets. She got no special treatment. If he stopped Mrs. Rex Ryan for the same thing, she also wouldn’t have gotten a citation.” (For those more familiar with Gisele's modeling career than her marriage to New England's golden-boy quarterback, Rex Ryan coaches Brady's division rival Jets.)